Posted in Cake Decorating, Cakes and CupCakes, Chocolate, Cooking, Dessert

Maltesers Cake

It is becoming increasingly popular to decorate cakes with well known confectionary. Think the Kit Kat and M ‘n’ M cake of last year.
This year I introduce you to the Maltesers Cake with a Nutella icing because my boyfriend cannot get enough of Nutella!

For the base of this cake I used my Devil’s Food Chocolate Cake recipe.
The rest seems pretty basic, make the icing, attach Maltesers! I do suggest starting for the bottom though, make the base strong.

Nutella Icing is very easy! Warm approximately 200g of Nutella, and gradually stir in icing sugar until you have a consistency you like! If it is too thick, add some milk, too thin, add more icing sugar! You will need to work quickly while making this though, cos you need the icing to still be wet when you apply the Maltesers. Something I found slightly difficult with my air conditioning a


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